Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dim Sum

Saturday Feb 24
Laura and Thomas had a lunchtime date at China Pearl in Woburn. Happy New Year.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sound advice from a 2 yr old

When Laura take a giant poo in her potty, this is what she says to her dear mother.
"Mommy, I go doo doo".
"It's yucky".
"Don't eat it ,Mom".

Monday, February 19, 2007

President's weekend

I made the mistake of telling Laura (on Monday) that her aunt (ymo) was coming for the weekend. All week she would torment me with the same questions, "where's my ymo?" "I need ymo".
On Friday night, before going to bed, I told Laura that her ymo would be here when she woke up in the morning (she and her beau were getting in late Friday night). At 2AM, Laura woke up and yelled at the top of her lungs "YMO!" and I just yelled at her and said "go back to sleep!".

Another incredibly exciting weekend full of action, surprises and intrigue. (notice the period)

Ymo, Laura and I went to lunch at Lemongrass in Brookline for some Pho. Yummy.

An exciting trip to Costco!

Exotic Venezuelan cuisine with HOT sauce!

Ymo and Laura attached at the hip.
Chickenless Nuggets and a kid's video! OOOoooooh. fun.

Thanks for coming up sista and "Dim"!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Valentine's Day

Laura and Thomas enjoyed a romantic night together decorating cupcakes and making a mess.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Swimming class

I finally signed Laura up for swimming classes because of her constant, high pitched, whining request "Mom, I want swim" every time we would go to the gym.
I have swam with her maybe a half a dozen times but it was just so much work lugging all of our stuff, changing, getting wet, drying off, changing again. You get the picture.
This was perfect. 1/2 hour class for tots. Due to the cold weather, she and one other girl showed up for class.
Here is Laura waiting for class to begin.

Ok. Not the most graceful fish in the water but it was only her first class! She really loved it and started crying when the class was over.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday evening.
Twilight Jazz night at Thomas' church with a Jazz trio.
Here are Thomas and Laura acting like groupies.
"Oooh, cool drums. Can I go up and play?"

While the adults enjoyed themselves up in the church hall with wine and beer (sacrilege!), Thomas and Laura spent the night in the basement in the kid's playroom.
Here's Thomas giving me a pirate's "grrrrrr".

Thomas and Laura playing "together".

Overall a fun night except for members of the church asking me if I was Thomas' mother!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Early V Day

Hubby brought Laura home from daycare and she saw the packages in the kitchen and said "present?" and I said, "yes" and then mayhem ensued with ribbon, paper and packaging flying in the air.

Not a good shot of these squishy balls but we spent 15 minutes throwing and catching and chasing each other. It's also soft enough to play dodgeball with. (I'm not even going to mention the heart alarm clock)

Dora suitcase from Nana and Poppy.
She loves this thing and won't leave it anywhere. She has brought it up and down the stairs several times already.

Vday dinner at Legal Seafoods.

Thanks Uncle Wonton! Thanks Nana and Poppy!

Good hair day

This is so rare that I have to post it.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Plaster Fun Time

Laura and I spent Saturday doing "crafty" stuff. Look at the level of concentration in this girl!

The final product (ok, I helped a little!)

Friday, February 02, 2007

It's Friday night. Girl's night out!

An exciting Friday night. I picked up Laura from daycare and we went to Bertucci's for a pizza dinner. Too tired to cook and hubby is late getting home from work. We went out to eat at 6pm. Wooohooo! AND stayed out till the weee hours of the night till 7pm!

Hair Gone Wild

Hmmmmm. I'm wondering if mommy is going to give me ice cream for breakfast.

Raise your hands if you're sure!