Here is Laura riding the Dumbo ride with total strangers because her mom can't do any rides that spin. I did this the whole day asking random strangers to take my child on the ride with them.
We went to Ariel's grotto.
Then we went to Mini Mouse's house.
Sleeping Beauty.
I think she ate about 4 of these during her trip.
Then we went on the racetrack. Laura drove while I pushed the pedal. After we got off, we went on it for a second time because she liked it so much.
Magic Kingdom parade. Eh.
Love the photos. Was Laura into it? She's bopping away to the parade, I see. Was Boma as good as it was when we went there? Yummmm...
Laura had a good time at Magic Kingdom. But I'm noticing that she has a better time when there are other kids so she had more fun when the boys were around. She laughed and played around much more with them.
Boma was good. Not as good as the first time. Menu was different from before. Her dad didn't like it.
First of all, weren't you JUST at Disney World? How many times can a grown woman drag her family to an amusement park!? Dang.
Second of all, I think you should never tell kids that rides are scary before they go on. It ruins the whole surprise! You're supposed to say that she will see puppies and daffodils. Let her decide for herself what's scary. You totally psyched her out!
Third of all, Ariel is the hottest Disney character. It was totally worth the wait... unless you're dead inside and don't believe in alternate universes. I wonder if the other girls are jealous of her and try to hide her mermaid tail in the employee locker room...
I know, I was just at this place in Sept. Blame the husband for this trip because he wanted to hang out with Jay and his family.
I had to tell Laura that it was scary so that she knows that Momma is ALWAYS right. I know, it's a control problem. Maybe I didn't get the satisfaction enough as I child "HA, I TOLD you sooooo!"
Ariel was definitely hot. I loved how she swished her tail and you should see her autograph! all girly with bubbles. I'm sure the other princesses are jealous. They don't get their own little space. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Belle all had to hang out in one room while the kids are dragged through like a conveyer belt.
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