I made some Gingerbread men last night. Laura didn't want to help me make the batter or even cut out the cookies because she was too busy watching the Peanuts cartoon on tv.
After her bath, she wanted to decorate ALL the cookies.
She had to line them just so.

She was getting exhausted with all of the labor.

I had to give her a cookie to get her to finish!

She had fun decorating. She would tell me which ones she would give to her friends at school. It was very cute. Sorry sister, I dropped all of them off at her school this morning.
You couldn't have save a few for us? I like them stale! Maybe we can make more for Christmas.
Seriously, when I was picked her up from school today, one of her teachers came up to me and said "You have to give me this recipe because every single child ate this cookie and that never happens."
It's not the traditional type of gingerbread cookie b/c it's not hard. It's crisp yet chewy and not too strong in flavor. It's really quite tasty. The secret ingredient is a box of butterscotch pudding mix.
We'll make some when you get here because it's really easy.
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