First thing, I forgot to post these pictures from last week. We got a package from cousin Steve and Jodi.
On Sunday, nothing too exciting. Tennis as usual but after the clinic, I took Laura to the racketball court and hit some balls with her. She is getting better. I think she is ready for some lessons.
We came back home and I made her tacos for lunch. Yes, all of the remaining photos are of food and Laura eating. I can't help myself. I love when Laura eats and taking photos of her eating. It must be a mother/nurturing/hormone thing AND I'm on a diet.
After lunch, we ran some errands and then came home. Laura wanted to make some rice Krispies treats so she got into her full cooking garb and went to work.

Oh I also forgot to post yesterday that Laura ate lunch and then had a couple of spoonfuls of coconut ice cream that I bought. It was an organic brand. She started clearing her throat like she had something stuck in it and kept doing it over and over. I made her drink some tea. Then we went to my bed for a nap. We slept for about 30 minutes and she seemed fine even though in the back of my mind I kept thinking "get a towel, get a towel". Lo and behold, as soon as I woke her up, she upchucked volumes (I mean volumes) of vomit. I even cupped some in my hands and put it in the sink but it wasn't enough. It soaked through everything. This reminds me of the vomiting incident at fancy restaurant in Korea! I did laundry all night and had to clean the mattress (it went through the thick mattress protector). I won't be giving Laura any coconuts products any time soon.
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