Most of Thursday was spent with my dad getting his business affairs in order. Then Ymo and Jimbo went on a sightseeing tour. We went to the Hyundai Department store and had lunch at a noodle shop. It was yummy.
After we got back to the hotel, Laura, her dad and I walked down to the local shops near the hotel.
Then for dinner, we met with my grandmother and my uncles and aunt for a fancy Korean dinner. This was like a 10 course meal with tiny dishes.
Laura was eating some of the dishes early on and I noticed that she was developing a red rash around her mouth and she started whining. We knew she must have eaten something that she was allergic to. She just sat in her dad's lap and was miserable. I made her drink 3 glasses of water. Her breathing was fine so no need for the epi pen. After a while, I was feeling guilty so I had her sit on my lap and in 15 minutes, she vomited everything onto my dress. Nice. I cleaned myself up in the bathroom and came back to the dining room and Ymo said, "Are you going to stay and finish dinner?" and I was thinking of how appetizing the meal would be with my vomit soaked dress permeating my nostrils. Laura, her dad and I took a cab back to the hotel. I showered and Laura went right to bed but requested some chips from the lounge. Uh, that would be a no.
He prepared a slide show of some old photos of us. It was very sweet. We also got gifts from my aunt.
The next morning, I gave Laura her gift from my aunt. A beautiful hanbok dress.

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