Getting ready for some trick or treating.

She's not excited.

The boys next door.

Trick or treating around our neighborhood.

Laura's goods. It's weird. She avoids the chocolates and goes for the candies, gummies and gum.
This was a big piece of Wrigley's gum. She ate and swallowed the whole thing like it was a piece of candy.
The weather was pretty nice so we ended up just going around the neighborhood vs. going to the mall. After each house, she would say "let's get some more". Happy Halloween.
Could you have least put a black shirt underneath the bee costume? It's like you're not even trying! She avoids the chocolate...JUST LIKE YOU AND MOM! Whereas Dad and I are chocoholics.
Well, she did have a black shirt underneath but I had to double her layer for the cold weather. I know, I would have taken it off it we went to the mall instead.
Helloooo? I have a chocolate problem too but I'm just on a chronic diet!
Just ate 2 mounds, kitkats and butterfingers. Bad!
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