We got up early to go to the Easter Egg hunt that they have every year at Roslindale square. Laura was very excited to go.

I had a hard time finding parking and we were 5 minutes late and the whole thing was over. All the eggs were found and Laura was in tears. We still stayed and did some activities. She had her face painted.

We met the rather very emaciated Easter bunny but she didn't want to get a picture with him. Yeah, I understand. I would be afraid that he would try to take a bite of my leg or something. And what's with the tie?

She didn't want to play any of the games. There was a great egg toss game and a hopping race but she was not in the mood.

We met up with Thomas and a friend named Colleen. Her mom gave Laura this chocolate cake egg from the nearby bakery. Chocolate always makes everything better.

We got back home and I did some home projects including staining the deck. It was hot out. I am still completely astounded that we are actually having a spring in Boston. It is truly unbelievable.

We took a trip to Lowes for more supplies. When we got back home, Laura's Easter basket was filled to the brim with lovely beaded Easter eggs. I asked her where she got them from and she said "From the tree outside!". She swiped all these pretty decorative eggs from our neighbors yard so I had to put them all back. Silly rabbit.
For dinner, we had egg salad, of course. Actually I had egg salad. Laura ate some of mine. We already had it for breakfast and will be having some more tomorrow and probably the day after that. Well, I should say that
I will be having it since I am the one who usually eats all the leftovers.

I topped my egg salad with shredded cheese, a piece of salami and some cooked spinach. Laura had a bite and said it was yummy but then didn't want anymore.