As soon as I got Laura home, she got a piece of paper and coloring pencil out and started frantically drawing.
She was deep in concentration.
This is what she drew. It's a picture of Laura going down the stairs to go to the bathroom while mom and dad are in bed. Looks like mom and dad are sleeping in coffins or the coffins are sliding down the stairs. I guess this was something that she had to draw immediately. I don't even want to know the symbolism of this one.
More stickers on her head. Very chic.
It was such a nice day today so we went outside to walk around. The neighborhood kids were out so Laura hung out with them. They found a caterpillar in one of the yards and Laura was completely fascinated.
Laura was really excited about the caterpillar and so we took it home, put it in a container with some leaves and we'll see if this turns into a butterfly. She named him Sleepy. I checked and it's not dead, if any of you were wondering.