Saturday, April 28, 2007

The bag lady

I don't know what it is about these shoes but Laura keeps wanting to wear them, likely b/c they are so girly (I wonder who she's getting that from? Her Ymo?). I yelled at her and told he she couldn't wear them in the house so the first chance she had to go outside, they were right back on her feet. She lugged all her plastic chairs, her Dora luggage, her ball and of course her sunglasses on the deck. I had to put my foot down when she started dragging her table onto the deck.

Kai and Noah's birthday party

Laura enjoyed a night at Kai, Noah and Maya's house for a combined birthday party. Here are the highlights.


I went back to work this week. The beginning of the week was gorgeous and we had some time to enjoy the outdoors. Taking care of Laura does help in keeping me busy and distracted.
Is there anything that could be better than a sunny day, a lollipop and bubbles? Here is Laura with our neighbor's kids across the street enjoying the weather.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The funeral

The past 2 weeks have been a blur. All of us were sleep deprived, forgetful, grieving, crying and just filled with sorrow. The wake and the funeral/burial was actually very beautiful. There were so many flowers that the church smelled like a garden in springtime. There were hundreds of people and it was really touching to see so many people who came to pay their respects. It was also so good to see our relatives, especially my mother's family who came all the way from Korea and who I have not seen in so many years. Laura was such a good girl and really brightened the whole mood and she was such a good escape from the sorrow. She is still too young to understand. It fills me with such sadness that she will not know my mother.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My mom

March 22, 1939 - April 11, 2007

My mother was struck by a car while crossing the street and sustained a severe head trauma which took her life. We were fortunate enough to say our goodbyes before she passed. I will miss her so much.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter Basket

Laura received her Easter basket just before leaving for our Philly trip.

Philly Trip

Here is Laura at the airport ready to go to Philly in her Phillies outfit and her Dora luggage.
Cocktails on the plane
Granddad reads her a story
Grandma helps her with a puzzle
The first 2 days were gorgeous with the temp at 75degrees then cold and rainy the rest of the week.

Day 2: Visit with Jackson. See how she regresses.
Day 3: Visit with Zoe and Aaron. This time, Zoe took some interest in Laura and showed her the ropes. She had a great time.

Days 4,5,6 are missing b/c I left my camera at Zoe's house.

I took Laura to the 'Please Touch Museum' in Philadelphia on Day 4 and she seemed to enjoy it (it took her about an hour to get warmed up to it). Here are pics from my camera phone.

I got my camera back on Friday but I essentially lost interest in taking photos at that point so here is the final photo of Laura trying to recuperate from her trip.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Dim Sum at China Pearl in Chinatown. Thomas, Laura and Thomas' cousin Leah (who's a great babysitter at her young age).
Yawn, another trip to the Franklin zoo.

The chicken coop. Laura is deathly afraid of animals and wouldn't go too close. Here she is clucking at the chickens and keeping her distance.
Wow, they're pretty ferocious.
We finally made it to the new gorilla exhibit which was recently renovated and it was spectacular. No bad animal smell. The glass enclosure lets you get right next to the Gorillas. Laura was terrified and I had to hold her for the rest of the visit. That's Kiki and her baby.