Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Good Morning, Laura! How old are you?

Salami sandwhich for lunch. Eat up girl.

Let's get ready for your big day.

Birthday party at daycare!

Make a wish!

Back home for presents.

Hmmmm. I wonder what this could be....




Look out Venus.

In Laura fashion, the birthday actually started at 2am when she woke up because of a fever. After some motrin, tylenol and 3 frozen ice pops, back to bed. I was planning to send her to daycare but ended up keeping her for the day. She didn't wake up till almost 10am. I ended up doing all the errands (balloons, decorated, etc) with her and then took her to daycare at 2:30pm for her party. She had a good time.
I brought her back home for her presents (it's just not right to open tons of presents in front of other 2 to 3 year olds due to the 'mine,mine,mine' mentality). She was exhausted since she had not napped and was in theory sick. Overall a good birthday with the only downside of not seeing her friend Thomas. At one point she said "I want Omi" two times in a row.
She must have sang the happy birthday song at least 10 times today! Happy birthday, sweetheart!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Labor Day. Sept 4th.

Love is in the air.
Another trip to the Franklin Zoo. A last minute trip to get the kids tired out.
Laura's face says "pucker up, Thomas!"


Is that a wild animal on the loose? YES IT IS!

They played on this thing for a good 1/2 hour and we didn't even put any money in it!!! HAHAHAHA!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Vacation is over

Highlights of this weekend. Sorry, no photos!
Labor Day weekend marks the end of my 2 week vacation. Sigh.
My sister came up to visit this weekend and Laura immediately took to her and "defected". Every word out of her mouth was "Ymo,ymo, ymo" (Aunt in Korean) and she would give a running commentary on what she was doing. "Ymo shower". "Ymo done shower". "Ymo bye bye". It was a really good visit.

The other highlight was going to Dim Sum on Sunday. I met up with friends visiting from out of town and we went to China Pearl. I had never been there before and it was really good. The place was packed too but seating was pretty quick. Laura was pretty good with eating dumplings and rice but the highlight came when we decided to get snails. She was eating it up. "More" she kept saying one after the other. The problem was that they were still in their shells so I had to dig it out with a toothpick and I wasn't giving it to her fast enough. She also had tripe and ate some of that too. TRIPE! which I am squeamish about! I have to admit that they did do a really good job and they were pretty tasty without the funky aftertaste.

Back to work, back to reality. Sigh....

Monday, September 04, 2006

Tampa trip

At the hotel pool

Laura's most adored toy of all time: BALLOON (with emphasis on the first syllable)

Fast friends: Janise and Laura

Laura afraid of the carousel

Laura playing with the "big kids"

Overall and uneventful trip but great to spend some time with the family and friends. Laura had a great time with all the kids to play with which she doesn't really have in Boston.