Nothing very exciting this month.
When Laura started off her 21st month, she was sick with repeated bouts of "asthma" and we were giving her neb treatments pretty regularly. All the change in weather and rain did not help the situation. At this time, she proved to be pretty needy. It was exhausting b/c she would constantly want to be held. She's also getting so heavy now that it's not that easy. The tried and true Elmo videos are no longer the hypnotizing tool so after coming home from work, after picking her up from daycare and then having her say "up n down" which means "pick me up", was becoming incredibly tedious because, you know, you have to make dinner. That's what the videos are for! They are the tools to give you a solid 30 minutes to make something and then feed the child, wash her up, change her clothes, put her to bed and then go to bed exhausted and start all over again. But this time, the videos only gave me 5 minutes at a time b/c she wants you to WATCH the videos WITH her or you have to hold her while you are making dinner. This lasted for a few weeks and hubby was not a big help since he was working and in the middle of 2 intense classes which met 4 times a week! I don't know how single parents do it.
"Mommy, up n down" typical Laura wanting mommy to hold her.

A recent BBQ at a friend's home(a black/asian couple). This is Noah who is maybe 6 months older and they could pass as siblings.

By the end of the month, Laura was better and a sweetheart (not sooo needy). We would go to the playground much more often and meet up with her buddy, Thomas. She's becoming much more social and interactive.

Laura is also becoming more proficient with the potty training and has much more control of her bladder. Mind you, she is still peeing in her diaper but I think if I take her to the bathroom every time I had to go, she would get it. It's hard when it's not reinforced at daycare.
I took Laura to the family pool at our gym. The first time was months ago (in the winter)and Laura did not have a good time. She just clung to me the entire time. We only stayed in it for maybe 15 minutes and the whole drying, changing, etc was such a pain that I felt it wasn't worth it. We did go to a friend's pool last month but she pretty much stayed in her float the entire time.
Since the weather has been so hot and humid, I decided that it would be refreshing. She loved it. I don't have any photos b/c I can't take any when I am actually in the pool with her.
We first went into the pool and I just held her for a while. Then I let her hold on the side and she actually took instruction from me like blowing bubbles in the water and tilting her head back all the way to wet her hair. Then she played on the stairs for the next 30 minutes. I think she found it fascinating that as she would get deeper, she was getting lighter. She hasn't mastered the effects of buoyancy and would forget to hold the side and partially go under! I took her again the following week and I tried to teach her how to jump into the pool from the side so that I would catch her but she is still very cautious and would only 'jump' while she was in the seated position.
Laura being silly with a piece of paper in her mouth
If looks could kill (after taking away the little piece of paper!)

So at the end of the month, when hubby was almost nearing the end of his classes, we took a much needed outing to JP Licks which is a local ice cream eatery. We left the house close to 9pm b/c it was a spur of the moment thing. It's funny b/c when I was single and care free, I remember going to late movies and coming out of the theatre at midnight and seeing these little kids coming out of the theatre as well. I would think, 'how could these parents be so irresponsible to allow their children to stay up so late and watch a movie?! How DARE they?!' By the time we got our ice cream and sat down to enjoy the sweet delicious treats it was close to 10pm and I was feeling those eyes of disapproval from strangers but NOW I understand why parents take kids out so late. It's a special treat AND keeping them up so late ensures some sleeping in the next morning. A true luxury.

Pouty after just waking up from a nap. Still dazed.